Day: July 30, 2013

Rivers state crises: Two Videos!

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Ok, I haven’t bothered to blog about the pandemonium the enveloped the Rivers State House of Assembly and I don’t really need to for two reasons……

1. My very good friends at Sahara Reporters did a good job chronicling the events that happened both before and after the popular Chidi Lloyd attack. What most people have seen is the part where Chidi Lloyd went on rampage but this video actually shows Hon Evans Bipi describing how he attacked and punched Chidi Lloyd, and he did so in front of a cheering crowd……….watch

2. My second reason for not bothering to blog about it is because the grammar impresario himself, Hon Patrick Obahiagbon has done justice to the issue. I get amazed each time this man airs his opinion on national events and this one makes the list as one of my favourites. In a recent interview with Channels television, Hon. Patrick describes the Rivers state crisis as………………Watch for your self…….

hehehehehhehe. Cant stop reeling with laughter. ‘Political Crinkum Crankum or political Higi Haga”. May God bless Nigeria.

That will do it for now guys.

I am Johnson Madichie

A small act. A BIG difference

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So there I was last week at the office of the Federal Road Safety Commission to register and pick up the new drivers license.

I had been putting it off for a while because of all the stories of complexities and difficulties associated with the whole scheme but I finally made up my mind to go. Besides, the deadline for acquisition of the new drivers license was drawing close and I don’t wanna be a scape-goat for the police or road safety corps.

While I was there, and as you can imagine, the crowd was something else. I got there by 9am only to learn that some folks had been there as early as 6am. If only we can get to church that early on sundays….. Well, the crowd was much and trust government parastatal na, they had only one machine to capture the bio-data of several people.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m tempted to believe that our government agencies and offices just derive pleasure in seeing people queue for hours and days just to do something that would ordinarily take minutes to do. From pension payments to voters registration, its always chaotic. Well, the crowd was getting larger and it almost began to get physical. People began to shout and yell and yes…….”shunt” as well.

The scenario was a total chaos and I was already loosing my patience.

To make matters worsen the sun became intense and we were all standing. Going back was not an option, not after I had been there for hours and believe me, I was already fed up

In the midst of all the confusion though, someone decided to rise to the occasion. What she did was simple. She tore out a sheet of paper , numbered them 1,1,3,4,5…..and then distributed them to all those present. When she was through, this was the scenario.

Everyone now had a number and we all could now leave the sun and sit orderly. In no time we were done and everyone was satisfied. I was no 14 so i knew I wouldn’t be long there.

The lady’s singular act of heroism, (yeah, that’s what I choose to call it) saved us a lot of time, energy and stress……and guess what, she was just an ordinary citizen like you and me and she doesn’t even know that what she did inspired me enough to blog about it. It was a simple act but it made a lot of difference.

I urge us to emulate her a look for various ways to make that difference in our various spheres of endeavor today. Just look around you, there must be something “small” you can do to make a “BIG” difference. The world will surely be a better place for it.

Have a great day guys. Before I sign off, Eben’s concert last sunday was…………( this is the part where words fail you to accurately describe an event). All I can say is stay tuned to my blog for how it all went……for me, I finally got to see the “worship side of Eben”. Here’s a sneak peak though…

Thats all for now guys. Thanks for stopping by and be sure to stay tuned for more. Remember, “Every man will have his day”

Johnson Madichie is a social blogger based in Lagos, Nigeria and affects the world from there.

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