Stop it !

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Its another rainy day in lagos and I’m up already. As I think about life and the things we need to do to enjoy it, I immediately remembered a message I received from a friend of mine Dennis and as I read it again, it made so much sense.

There are two important buttons on a music player START and STOP.

To move ahead in life, we need to firstly STOP a couple of habits to make way for the right ones.

In this two-part post, we’ll look at what we need to STOP and then what we need to START. As you read each one, make sure you actually stop and ponder over it and see how much sense it makes. Ready, here goes…..

1. Stop spending time with the wrong people
2. Stop running from your problems.
3. Stop lying to yourself
4. Stop ignoring your own needs
5. Stop trying to be someone you’re not.
6. Stop being ungrateful.
7. Stop focusing on what you don’t want to happen.

8. Stop trying to hold onto the past.
9. Stop worrying so much.
10. Stop being scared to make a mistake.
11. Stop berating yourself for old
12. Stop trying to buy happiness.
13. Stop trying to be everything to everyone.
14. Stop exclusively looking to others for
15. Stop being idle.
16. Stop thinking you are not ready.
17. Stop getting involved in
relationships for the
wrong reasons.

18. Stop rejecting new
relationships just because old ones didn’t work.
19. Stop trying to compete against
everyone else.
20. Stop being jealous of others.
21. Stop complaining and feeling sorry for
22. Stop holding grudges.
23. Stop letting others bring you down to their
24. Stop wasting time explaining yourself to
25. Stop doing the same things over and over
without taking a break.
26. Stop overlooking the beauty of
small moments.
27. Stop trying to make things perfect.
28. Stop following the path of least resistance.
29. Stop acting like everything is
fine if it isn’t.
30. Stop blaming others for your

31. Stop disrespecting your
parents and elders.
32. Stop cheating your neighbor
33. Stop backbiting, lies, fornication and adultery
34. Stop doing anything negative
and unpleasant.
35. Stop following the path of the Devil.

Great stuff wouldn’t you say. Don’t forget to leave a comment below and let me know your favorite one. Mine is no.5 and 13.

Thats all for now guys. Thanks for stopping by and be sure to stay tuned for more. Remember, “Every man will have his day”

Johnson Madichie is a social/inspirational blogger based in Lagos, Nigeria and affects the world from there.

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Twiiter – @johnsonmadichie
Facebook – Johnson Ifeanyi Madichie
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