Life Issues

You made it !!!

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It’s finally here! 2017. I’ll start by saying a big congratulations to us all for making it through 2016. Yes we made it……….made it through the increase in pump price of fuel which we have all gotten used to by now……….made it through the ridiculous dollar exchange rate………….made it through MMM.. (lol). A big congrats to you for making it through your personal struggles which no one knows. Just like Travis Greene sang,  indeed I believe God made a way for us all. 
Welcome to 2017. I just have a special feeling about this year. Probably has something to do with the number 7. Number of perfection and completion. God made the world in 7 days. Believe me this year is going to be lit with miracles.  Yep, miracles. Speaking of which, that’s the word for the year at my church David’s Christian Centre. In 2017 I am a Living Miracle

You are included too. Here’s what I think 2017 will look like: it will be a year to finally get off laziness and work towards the fufilment of your dreams.It doesn’t matter what your dreams are,  they can be actualized but it depends on how hungry and thirsty you are. Here’s one major tip : delete procrastination! 

Don’t do it tomorrow if it can be done today. Don’t do it later if it can be done now. Stop waiting for the perfect time. It will never come. One of my major goals years back was to attain a Masters degree from the University of Lagos. I tried a couple of times but it somehow didn’t work out. Other times I simply postponed it. All this while, my friends who had the same ambition had enrolled and completed their Masters programme. Well, in 2015 I finally decided that enough was enough. I drove to Unilag,  bought the Post Graduate degree from,  wrote the entrance exam…….

…….passed the exam (phew), started the programme ( which was another challenge altogether) and finally completed the programme late 2016. You are all hereby invited to celebrate with me on the occasion of my convocation in Unilag this January 2017.

In 2017 you must take the bull by the horn.  Aggressively pursue your dreams. Don’t limit yourself. Like Nike said……

That’s the key word for this year guys. Just do it. Quit complaining. Quit complacency. Quit wishing. Quit thinking. Just do it.  Don’t even wait to feel like doing it. Don’t rely on your emotions. They are very fickle. Rather rely on your determination.  Be determined ( in Kanu Nwankwo’s voice). 

I’ll stop here for now. But as you progress into the new year and make your plans, remember to make God your guide. That’s the only way they’ll succeed.

Everyman will have his day.

Nathaniel Bassey shares hilarious but helpful tips for fasting.

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Ever wondered why you hardly make it through a fast?  Well, Popular Gospel artiste Nathaniel Bassey shared some Interesting and helpful tips for making it through a fast.

The points seem funny but you gotta admit………He made sense. Enjoy…..


1. Avoid frequent trips to your refrigerator. The more you look at those biscuits, cakes, and chocolates, the more they appear unusually beautiful and attractive to you. If you continue, you may suddenly realize those things have voices. And they will call you.

2. Don’t hang around the kitchen when something is being cooked. Most times, your favorite dishes are always prepared when you have decided to fast. And for the strangest reasons, your nose would begin perceiving them strongly in a whole new light. At this point you may even perceive how an ordinary boiling water smells like fried chicken. Just run.

3. Don’t sit staring at someone eating. You naturally gravitate towards something you behold. The glory of food has a way of shinning brighter the moment you decide to fast. Just walk away.


4. This is not the time to hold business meetings at your favorite food joints. Especially those bukas where they openly display the assorted meats and food. When you keep seeing people carry their plates of food to eat, you may suddenly buy that argument that God is a God of grace, and would understand that “body no be fire wood”, and if you broke the fast there and then, that his grace is sufficient for you. Men and brethren, Just run!

5. When it’s time to break the fast, please don’t begin with pounded yam. Abeg ! You may suddenly need God as your Jehovah rapha. Begin with some liquid or fruits. If possible forsake the swallow family till after the fast. If you can.

6. Because you are not eating, your mouth is not busy and that sometimes cause it to release some perfumes. Therefore, some mouth spray and menthol can help. This is not the time to whisper a word of prophecy to someone in their face if your breathe isn’t fresh. They may just fall. And it won’t be the anointing.

7. And if you are doing the liquid only fast, please be informed that custard and Quaker Oats don’t fall into this category.


8. Finally, pray. Fasting without prayer amounts to a personal weight loss program.

God bless you saints. Hope this put a smile on you faces. May you experience God in a new way as you seek him is Season.

Thanks Mr. Bassey. I’m sure “most of us” have been delivered. 😆😅😆

Photo credits @dccisland

Every man will have his day!

Pics : Lagos island “follow follow” beggars

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In my early in Lagos,  I usually frequented Lagos island aka èkò for anything I needed.  Ahhh….. Lagos island.The place was just a life saver. Marina was a popular route and still is.



Only problem I had then was the menace of beggars and I’m not talking of the little kid beggars. I’m referring to the able – bodied rascal men who will snoop from behind you the moment they spot you with a bag or some form of purchase. The next thing you hear is their coarse voice ” egbon ejoor find me something”. How many of y’all feel me? At first, your first instinct and reaction will be to hold your bag tight and walk fast but they quickly catch up with you and others join. You begin to wonder ” is there gold on my forehead? No be this small bag i carry”. Those guys used to annoy me. I recently spotted some of those gum-body beggars harrasing some pretty aso-ebi wearing women along marina and i just had a good laugh………




At this point, I will do either of two things. Either I slap somebody………or I slap somebody.


First, one shows up behind you. Then you walk fast, then he walks fast too. Then another joins him, and another and another. It might not be so bad during the day but picture this scenario at night. E no go funny.
Let’s share our experiences guys. How did you handle them when they came at you? and how can the government arrest this trend biko?…..

Everyman will have his day.

Mechanics or Mad men?

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No they are not mad men. Infact they are fully sane. I was on my way home couple of days back when i sighted these three wisemen. I really don’t know why our mechanics have to look this way. ……….



We really can do better than this. One day, we just might arrive here…..



If na so e be, to become mechanic go dey hungry person. Lollll

Everymanwill have his day.

Sorry Bruce, A man can NEVER become a woman

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Take a close look. Is this arm male or female?

God is no fool.  God cannot be mocked. If God made you a man, He wasn’t confused when He did. Poor Bruce Jenner, thinking he can change himself into a woman with a $70,000 plastic surgery. …..

Well, this picture has gone viral no doubt but something struck me when I looked at the picture again recently. Notice it?………….He’s actually hiding his arms.Yeah. Thats no picture pose .The plastic surgery may have done some wonders  for his face and breast but like I said, His arms are still very masculine

Here’s a closer look…..

Also , i’d really love to see a picture of his genitals as evidence that he’s now a woman. This is a good reason to be a doubting Thomas.

Truth is, he can only pretend to be a woman but cannot and will never be one . Not just him but all those who have followed this path of confusion. That wasnt God’s plan.tmp_11392-Screenshot_2015-06-16-16-13-11-1-955159952
What they need is prayer not plastic surgery.

May God help us.

Rapper MI’s life under threat? or a joke gone too far

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Award winning rapper Jude Abaga popularly known as MI recently tweeted that his life is under threat from a whatsapp contact….


But when MI chatted further with the fellow and threatened him with the police to show he wasn’t taking chances, the guy quickly “chickened” out claiming it was a joke…..


I really don’t get why people pull these kind of stunts.  How do you threaten someone’s life as a joke? Apparently it wasn’t funny. MI went as far as posting the fellows picture but I’ll be nice enough to leave it out.
Here’s what twitter followers had to say about it…..



Everyman will have his day.

Who agrees with this……

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tmp_17000-Screenshot_2015-05-29-03-08-22-11569167300Just saw this from a friend on Facebook. Do you agree? Share your thoughts.

10 reasons why i support the Anti-Gay law in Nigeria

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Ok. I’m going to bare my mind and be blunt on this one without apologies and reservations. People say its a controversial topic but I don’t believe so. Its a discussion that we ought not to even have in the first place as sane human beings.

A few days back, President Goodluck Jonathan signed the Anti-Gay bill into law in Nigeria …….1 8 Of course, this generated copious and multifarious reactions. Expectedly, some are in support of it……..


while others are against and I fall in the class of the former. I totally support the Anti-Gay law in Nigeria and I’m not mincing words about it as some people are doing unfortunately. Here are my reasons (supported by some interesting comments I came across on twitter):images6FHUIH8B

1. Same-sex marriages contradict God’s original pattern. The bible is clear on the sexes of married couples. In the garden of Eden, God brought Eve to Adam and Adam said ” this is the flesh of my flesh and the bone of my bone”. Its a clear stamp of approval for a MAN to be married to a WOMAN. As they say, “it was Adam and Eve in the garden not Adam and Steve” (no offence to anyone bearing Steve). I’m just buttressing a point.imagesW6E5TSZQ
The scripture says that “He that findeth a WIFE findeth a good thing, (not a he that findeth a MAN)” Prov 18:22.
“Therefore shall a MAN leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his *WIFE and they shall be one flesh” Gen 2:24. *Pls note that a Wife is a Female (and I’m not sure modernization has changed it. Neither can surgery)

2. If your parents where both gay, you wouldn’t even be born to be able to read this post, let alone advocate for same-sex marriages.Screen_20140117_054644

3. Gay and lesbianism contradict even natural biology and sciences. Its a MALE sperm that fertilizes a FEMALE egg. (In case we have forgotten simple elementary biology)

4. Some people have said that the Anti-Gay law is hypocritical as there are other urgent issues pending to be addressed but I ask, what could be more urgent than the very threat to human existence?.


Screen_20140117_0541145. The Anti-Gay law is not an abuse or an infringement of human rights because I don’t believe that the practice of a man sleeping with a man or a woman laying with a fellow woman is “human” in the first place. I also believe that most people who claim to be Gay rights activists are just doing it for the attention.uykfuyf

Screen_20140117_054896. Even animals know better. Despite the fact that animals are far lesser knowledgeable beings, they have the right sexual orientation. I watch animal documentaries and I’ve never seen a goat mating with a fellow goat. It always mates with a she-goat. Its just that they care less where they do it and who is watching. (Come to think of it, humans are doing that now sef)imagesML40K10I images3ULC0ORE

7. If this Gay and Lesbian culture were practiced long ago and their rights were protected, I doubt if people would even exist today, talk more of protecting their rights and if the gay culture continues, would they even exist in the nearest future for their “rights” to be protected?.


8. The anus is for excretion. It was never intended to be a sex organ. The only way a man can have “sex” with a fellow man (if we can even call that sex) is through the anus but that in itself is a negation and an abuse of the original purpose of the anus. (Not to mention the fact that I just don’t understand how that works!)

9. Same-sex marriage ain’t marriage. It can’t be called marriage if its same-sex. If two men or two women want to live together, that’s fine but that doesn’t transcend into marriage. Let’s just call it “good companionship”untitled

10. It can get worse!. Today, its a man getting married to a man. Tomorrow, it’ll be a man getting married to a cockroach, a lizard, a monkey or a hippopotamus …..(really trying hard to imagine that but this picture is what keep coming to my head…… We are already at the edge so what will stop us from going over it?. If course Its no longer news that human beings have sex with animals……..imagesH4HJ4VQG imagesKHXYXISR Screen_20140117_054718but judging by the way things are going with this gay frenzy, I foresee an era when humans and animals will be lawfully wedded.

"I Do"
“I Do”

I mean its so sad that we even got to the point where we need to put up these kind of road signs………imagesN08NCU67

I’ll close with a story in the Bible where perhaps we had the first hint of homosexuality.

“They called to Lot, “Where are the MEN who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.” Gen 19:5 (NIV)

And what was God’s response?……

“Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;” Gen 19:24 (KJV)


I just hope that the new Anti-Gay law will be fully effective in Nigeria. For once, let’s call the bluff of the United Nations and other countries who are condemning us for this bold step.k;l images80OTBI4D

Someone remarked that the Nigerian police should not be more interested in arresting gay people at the expense of fighting crime but come to think of it, under the new law, arresting gay people is in itself a fight against crime. However, I wouldn’t support any form of jungle justice meted out to suspected transgressors of the Anti-Gay lawnk

2Hey, as blunt as I sound, I have absolutely nothing against Gay people. Its the practice that I don’t agree with. Sometimes I admire the courage and boldness with which some gay people have chosen to be public about their life but I just wish that they can also boldly accept that they have an abnormal life style and seek counseling, prayers and rehabilitation.

I came across this BBM broadcast on this issue and I think its apt to share it here…..

“You asked us to wear coat under hot sun we did! You said we should speak ur language,we obediently dump ours! You asked us to tie a rope round our neck like goat,we obeyed! You said our ladies should wear dead people’s hair instead of natural ones God gave them,they obeyed. You said our decent gals should wear catapult instead of the conventional pants,they obeyed! Now u want our men to sleep with fellow men And women to sleep with fellow women so that God we visit us like sodom and Gomorrah! Oyinbo we say tufiakwa, if u like keep ur aids (assistance) As Nigeria we say NO to GAY relationships and GAY marriage.3

This is where I stand. (I did say I was gonna be blunt!)6

Thanks once again for stopping by.

Up next on JM Blog, “Comedy goes to church….again!” and then I’ll hint you guys on a very important assignment I have in Abia state on Feb 1st, 2014.

Remember, “Everyman will have his day”

Johnson Madichie is an Inspirational blogger who lives in Lagos, Nigeria and affects the world from there.

Join Seyi Law, Julius Agwu, Sound Sultan, Owen Gee, Kenneth Okolie and Project Alert in the fight against Domestic Violence!

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In 2014, I really want to be identified with laudable and worthy causes and Project Alert has given me the opportunity to do so. Project Alert, a non-governmental organization that provides practical support to women and young girls who have been victims of abuse has teamed up with men from different industries to raise awareness about domestic violence. A few weeks back, a very good writer-friend of mine Ngozi Ilondu briefed me about this and I found it worthy to disseminate.
Now, look at these mind-boggling statistics;


1 in 3 women and girls aged between 15 – 24 in Nigeria have been victims of violence. 
Most 15 – 24 year old women in Nigeria think it is reasonable for a husband to beat his wife if she burns the food, refuses sex or goes out without his permission.
45% of Nigerian women who have experienced physical or sexual violence did not seek help from any source or tell anyone about the violence – British Council/DFID Gender in Nigeria Report 2012.
Project Alert seeks to shine the spotlight on domestic violence to inspire women to speak out because help is available. They aim to advice single women to be careful in their choice of a life partner. Above all, marriage is not a do or die affair. You have to be alive to be a wife.
Seyi Law
Seyi Law
If you are in Lagos, please support project alert by buying a box of 12 cup cakes. Cup cakes will be delivered to any location in Lagos by Baker’s world. Call 09091387872 and place your orders.
For every box of cup cakes you buy, you put smiles on the faces of victims of domestic violence
For every box of cup cakes you buy, you provide shelter for a woman has been thrown out of the house with her children.
For every box of cup cakes you buy, you empower a woman financially
Now here are some other celebs sending out a message about Violence against women in their own way…..
Julius Agwu
Julius Agwu
Sound Sultan
Sound Sultan
Tunde Leye
Tunde Leye
Tolu Ajayi
Tolu Ajayi
Tee A
Tee A
Own Gee
Own Gee
Osi Khena
Osi Khena
O.C Ukeje
O.C Ukeje
Kenneth Okolie
Kenneth Okolie
Violence Victim
Violence Victim
Emmy Collins
Emmy Collins
Guys, I don’t know about you but this is one worthy cause……, join in!
Project Alert is an NGO that provides practical support to victims of any form of violence against women. Their support services include Counseling, Legal Aid, Shelter and Skill Acquisition programmes among other services they render.
Twitter: @projectalertvaw Alert on violence against women
Here are some other interesting videos on the issue.

She needs your advice…..

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imagesCAKIY68RDivine Chioma is a fantastic friend of mine. I got to know her not too long ago and after I read her blog, I knew that she’s got a lot to offer this generation, especially womanhood.

She was in lagos a while back and we were supposed to meet on a particular day but she couldn’t make it. Why? I asked……guess her response, “I was interviewing Gov. Fashola”. “Yeah right, Abeg abeg”, I just waved it off but I later found out it was true and I was disappointed with myself. Whether you believe it or not, there are young people achieving great results everywhere. You just haven’t heard of them and believe me, its only a matter of time.

Recently she had an encounter with a young lady which I found so touching and I decided to share because I believe we, especially ladies, can learn from the lady’s experience and I also believe Divine did a good job in terms of her advice……. Read on…..rape

Hello dears, someone I counseled confided in me, I got her permission to share. Please read, criticize, comment, learn, watch and pray, and if you or someone that you know has gone through this, please get in touch.

I am done with church! This is not because I am an unbeliever – I have a rather personal relationship with God, I have not backslidded either. I am just fed up of the lies and pretense that is very heavy in the church!

You know I am in the choir right? Well, I don’t care anymore, if I go to any church again, I might go to hell. Ehm.. Sister divine, no need to advise me, my mind is made up. Na me sing pass but na me sin pass too. (At this point I had to try to calm her down because she was shaking real bad. She paused and bowed her head, when she looked up again, tears were streaming down her eyes, I held her close to me and she continued talking). “Shebi you know that I combine work and school so that I can pay my fees? Last semester, my boss paid late and the closing date for payment of fees was approaching, there was nobody to help and so I went to meet my pastor. He said he would help me. He gave me N30,000 and I thanked him and wanted to leave, he then said its because he liked me. I thanked him again, he now said that I should give him a hug. I hesitated and said I don’t hug guys but he asked if I didn’t trust him and he looked pained so I gave in to the pressure and hugged him. After 3 minutes, he still did not release me. I tried to extricate myself from his grip but he refused to release me, he put his fingers into my ears saying there were some evil spirits in my body that were responsible for my poverty, I felt myself getting weak and when he touched my breast, I couldn’t fight him off. We had sex and I cried throughout the time it lasted.untitled

I couldn’t tell anyone because I didn’t know if they would believe me and besides I needed the thirty thousand naira. I stopped going to church for a while and people began to ask questions since I was the chorus leader. Later, he called me and asked me to return the N30,000 I stole from him. I was shocked and asked him how, he now said that I would know when the police came. I begged him and he said that I should come and meet him the next day, I didn’t have N30,000 to pay back so I went, from then till now, I’ve been sleeping with my pastor and now I’m fed up, no church! Not ever again.untitled.pnhjvhjvv

The question that kept ringing in my heart was ‘why do supposed men of god (notice I used a small ‘g’ because my own God hates sin with passion) assault God’s treasures?’ Now, there are many wonderful men of God out there who are walking in the will of God but these days, they are so few! What we mostly have now are the wolves and hounds who are wrecking havoc on God’s sheep and we have to fight this trend. I, Divine, I rebel! (Ever heard of holy rebels?). I have walked that road before and I do not intend to walk it again, not ever again! But humanity must wake up! Believers must wake up! Sister, look out for your sister, mother look out for your daughter because the wolves and hounds are on a rampage!

Now ladies abeg listen:
If you know you need assistance from your pastor, please go through his wife, if He isn’t married abeg my dear, go through the welfare board of your church, if your church has no welfare board, GO AND PRAY! If God doesn’t answer (which is zero out of one million) please let them kick you out of school! Its tough right? But trust me, school does not make you. How many degrees Oprah Winfrey get?

Never ever let any “man of god” perform ‘Private’ deliverance for you because whatever spirit he calls on to deliver you can decide to move- in the other direction! A man with the Holy Spirit would always be conscious enough to have other people- prayer warriors, ushers etc around to help with the deliverance, if its just the both of you, abeg no wait, run for your life!

If you are assaulted, don’t keep your mouth shut! Abeg talk! So that you save yourself the emotional trauma and loss of confidence, so that you spare yourself the victimization. Don’t report him to members o, all they’ll do is gossip! Report to his mentor, his senior pastor, His General Overseer, any senior colleague. They’ll call him to order. If they don’t, God will punish them.

Pastors are not completely spirit-beings, they are Men-Of-God i.e ordinary men whom God uses! Even Moses was subject to anger! Abeg, they can fall for your curvy body and great looks. So, next time you want to see any pastor, cover yourself properly! Don’t wear that short gown, mini skirt or tight fitted jeans and expect him to just look at you and say it is well. Even if he doesn’t assault you, can you read his mind? You could have caused the innocent man to sin!

And my Male Pastoral Counterparts, please:
Avoid being alone with a woman who isn’t your wife. If you are unmarried and you cannot help lusting, please do the right thing and get married, na wetin you dey wait? You be Paul?

If you are married and you still have a thing for other ladies, abeg report yourself with immediate alacrity to your senior in ministry, he go conduct special deliverance for you

Finally, WALK IN THE SPIRIT! If to say David dey battle ground, him for no see woman wey dey baff.

I have said my piece, #goodnight



I blogged about this to hear what most of you my readers have to say….

What’s your own advice to the lady? Do you have a similar experience to share?

Please leave your comments below and I’ll ensure that my friend Divine passes them across to her.

Thanks for stopping by guys and be sure to stay tuned for more.

Related article on my blog – What to do in case of RAPE

I am Johnson Madichie and I love to inspire.

 “Every man will have his day”


Johnson Madichie is a social / inspirational blogger based in Lagos, Nigeria and affects the world from there.

Contact me
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Facebook – Johnson Ifeanyi Madichie
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